Who We Are

Based in Victoria BC, we are a mixed group of dice-rolling gamers. As a group we try to encourage all types of interactive games and hobbies as an expressive way to enjoy ourselves.

We do it for the fun of it.

Friday, December 14, 2012

Cat Update December

 I has the hottest tickets in the ancient world.

Been slowly assembling my land ship.

This is a BRUTAL game I ran recently.  I call this scenario 'Round Robin'.

My deployment point was Point Giant Scorpion.  I rolled a D4 to select my first enemy/objective at random.  I had deployed three enemies, and one objective (the Lady in Blue, who is obstructed by Lord Blackwyrm).  On a bigger map it would be interesting to see if rolling to head straight for the objective would dramatically change which enemies one must confront...

My first battle was against the Lady Shaman, who is backed up by two giant bruiser spirits - and I lost.  (Our battle of wills was inconclusive.  I missed with my #50 and then was vanquished by giant fists.  Having become their prisoner I was executed.)  The D12 on my card below signifies that I restarted the scenario at -1 rather than pitch the whole game.  I rolled Lady Shaman again and scorched her to kingdom come.  I wandered into an encounter with The Black Gate and brushed past it in a tie when both of us whiffed mightily!  Then I went for the girl:

"Blackwyrm, you fiend!!  Unhand her..."

I was able to drive Lord Blackwyrm back, and claimed objective and victory at -1.

I would like to close with a song that Swimming Eagle composed for his friends out in the multiverse.  From the future live album, Stop Making Fun of My Music Stand:

We're here to play
Derivative punk-rock
We're here to play
Derivative punk-rock!
We're here to play
Derivative punk-rock
Let's have some derivative punk-rock!

We got together in 2012
And thought we'd make some derivative punk-rock
We got together in 2012
And thought we'd make some derivative punk-rock!


I'm getting older and needed cash
I'm getting older and needed cash
I'm getting older - I needed cash
So I wrote some derivative punk-rock!


I know the guys in W.T.F.
I think their band used to be a lot bigger
Those were people that died, died...


Let's hear it for derivative punk-rock
Let's hear it for derivative punk-rock
Let's hear it for derivative punk-rock!