There have been a few Throw Downs here in the Rabbit Hole, often between three forces. Most matches are 30 points, I have been running Asphyxous (and his Cankerworm) for most of them. As a relatively new player, here's my thoughts (with a sprinkling of pictures of table-carnage).

Epic or Prime?
This decision comes down to what units are in the list, due to epic's feat. Both have a nice spell list (mmm...teleport...) but I find prime is better for arc nodes, Deathjack and a skarlock. If you know you will be seeing souls on the table bring epic with a fat bodyguard of zombies (and a doctor), or banes if you got them.

What's in the lists?
Always take Cankerworm, he is the sneakiest, backstabbing, paranoia-causing thing in the entire Nightmare Empire. Reapers are fun for lynching things, (aka; 'the 123 punch', Parasite/reaper/Canker). The Withershadow combine is a favorite, Asphyxious' high-school buddies are pretty handy if they can fit in the list, they are usually seen with prime and Ragman. I am growing fonder of having two slayers running around behind 'scrappers with epic, (I know, I'm weird...but they explode!!)

Tactics, (take with salt): Prime
I try to keep the pressure on with helljacks wiping out beasts and jacks along the way. When I spot the opportunity for a caster-kill I allocate all my focus, get all my focus back with his feat, and attack. The reaper is handy to have, reeling in the offensive caster so everyone can join in the fun. It is a key point to activate Asphyxious first, then Cankerworm, as they will both get out of the way for further charges.

Tactics (also, take with salt): Epic
Epic is similar to prime with teleport and Cankerworm, but his feat is completely different. Epic does not need to hunt the opposing caster down as much as his spectral friends will charge a good nine inches, but his feat is better used elsewhere. I find that epic relies on his battlegroup more, using support solos and the stranger jacks. The corrupter, leviathan and seether are often in my epic lists and my eyes are on a harrower.

Opponents: Circle
The angry druids are a hard one, with their caster bouncing all over the place (admittedly, like mine). Cryxian jacks are usually a match for circle beasts but will often get scrapped by a multiple charge. Soul takers are best against druids due to having so many on the field.

Opponents: Everblight
The other dragon army. Like the Nightmare Empire, legion is fast and hits hard. Most units have good Def and low Arm coupled with some nasty abilities (they are an elf army). The main strength of legion is their beasts, they can throw a lot of buffs around, so I try to take them out then go for the warlock.

Opponents: Khador
The northmen are a solid force, as in they have more Arm and damage boxes than anything I got. Luckily, their Spd and Def leave something to be desired. Parasite does wonders (coupled with Cankerworm's armour piercing) but a lich has to focus on each jack or unit at a time.

Ok, rant over...

Until next time.